The handful of inbred, power-mad pharaohs who financed the building of the pyramids in pursuit of ego-driven immortality, or the millions of forgotten foragers who accepted without struggle the universal fate of all that lives, their bodies long-since dissolved back into dust without monument or complaint? If death is the monster we all face, the […]
End Imperialism and Apartheid
When a country controls another politically and/or economically against the will of the majority that is a crime against humanity. The British established colonies in North America and people in the thirteen colonies revolted because it was wrong. “It takes a revolution to make a solution” -Bob Marley There are at least four types […]
On My Desk from SMA Institute Research Team
This was on my desk this morning from an SMAI research team, for me to consider building into in my next podcast. Data shows we currently have high rates of sexual problems (may be due to virtual dating). Schools are turning back sex ed to no sex ed at all Research shows that the Dutch […]
Dancing to a Heartbeat
For fear your grace should fall. […]
Which is more powerful #Gravity or Time? #Covid19 is not the deadliest of #viruses. It is fear! #Fear can destroy everything it touches… Kevin J Palmer @KevinJPalmer Which is more powerful #Gravity or Time? #Covid19 is not the deadliest of #viruses. It is fear! #Fear can destroy everything it touches… 8:14 AM · Aug 5, […]