stand for so-called human rights in Ukraine, yet allow Israel to practice apartheid
Dysfunctional Family Day
Our Pilgrim Fathers were so grateful for having safely reached their destination in 1620, they gave thanks with a feast. Today, we reenact that event every November which to some families is known as, the most dysfunctional family day of the year. During this horrific, ‘er I mean, historic time you may be traveling again […]
Human Rights over Religion
RE: One God existed for a short period of time in 14-century Egypt but was quickly overturned because power became too narrowly engrossed. The Americas, already had hundreds of indigenous nations that had occupied the continent for tens of thousands of years before the Europeans landed. They had large cities and the people were highly […]
Indie Scene Radio Program
Coming to Your Radio NEW YORK—August 7, 2022— Moonlight Mile Magazine is an Indie Scene music program, sprinkled with influential genres and linked with radio picture stylings from Writer, Rebel, Producer, Poet, Kevin J Palmer (aka Boy Scout). Hear Moonlight Mile Magazine on the airwaves or digitally with, “Listener Story Sets” (your […]
SMAI Analyst Opinion
Man has to conquer in order to make himself the ruler of the world. The mythology of our culture rings in our ears and no one pays any attention to it. Of course man is conquering space and the atom and the deserts and the oceans and the elements. According to our mythology, this is […]