Mass Shootings Unspeakable Tragedy
The mass shootings this weekend are unspeakable.
Hearing the news while in a restaurant with my daughter and family after a cheer competition brought tears to my eyes. This could have happened anywhere to anyone.
Gun control is not the problem. Metal health is the problem!
Six Million years ago our ancestors walked upright. Two million years ago with bigger brains hand tools were used. 200,000 years ago, modern humans survived climate change. 45,000 years ago, Neanderthals moved into Europe. 12,000 years ago, was the final stone age ended and civilization began.
However emotional evolution is still in its gentle infancy.
Levels of frustration and despair in this country are at an all-time high.
Blame bitter government contention and the social polarization it causes.
Blame wealth disparity.
Blame corporate greed that puts profits over people.
Blame poor self-worth images spawned by the hero worship of overpaid movie stars, sports stars and video war game fantasy legends.
It is time to change the institutions that wags the dog in this country and give back the power to the people.
Time to fund mental health initiatives and family counseling in schools and society as a whole.
Time to understand Psychology as the most comprehensive force in the world.
It is time to set a standard of hope and cooperation.