Remember this saying, “when you are in your 20’s, everyone is thinking about you; when you are in your 40’s you don’t give a damn that people are thinking about you; when you are in your 60’s you realize that no one has been thinking about you at all.”
Well, I am in my 60’s and I now realize that no one is staying up at night losing sleep over thinking about me and my problems. I’m the only one that is doing that one.
Yes, when I was younger, I cared what my parents thought about me. I cared what my friends thought about me, and I even cared what people who didn’t even really know me thought about me.
I don’t want you to not care about what people think. I just don’t want you to let it get in your way. Your friends and your parents opinions are always going to matter. They just don’t matter as much as your own.
Pam Chambers
SMAI Human Behavior Analyst