American Hero
By, R Leanna Heintzman
Kevin J Palmer is an author and financial freedom activist, advocating economic equality. While developing behavioral finance strategies he termed the phrase wealth stratification as nomenclature to define levels of net worth in economic studies when being influenced by stratigraphy during archaeological digs.
In 2001, after nearly two decades with major Wall Street firms, PaineWebber and Merrill Lynch. He became one of the architects for the reorg of an independent brokerage. Seizing the opportunity to make Montauk Securities his first corporate client, he founded a B-D consulting firm tasked with improving similar business models.
Once M&A was complete at the former employer, he left supervisory licenses there in 2004 to exclusively run Strategic Management Advisors. During that time as part of the consulting protocols, he interviewed hundreds of HNW individuals. In December 2008 to wholly carry on his exciting wealth research, he founded SMA Institute.
During ensuing years, he developed the “ninety-eight percentile hypothesis”, accelerated his wealth expertise and promoted global financial literacy. With his blogs and articles about economic disparity in demand. He produced a radio series and authored a book called, The Quiet Rich in 2014, about the path to success.
Today as an investor and philanthropist, he has received the Arizona Governors Archaeology award for work in preservation and exploration of ancient sites and is fully committed to peace through prosperity, financial justice and environmental stewardship.
By, R Leanna Heintzman
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