The country is unimportant, it is the people who hold the key. London 1605, Tokyo 1923, USA 2020.
In the Autumn of 1923 an earthquake in Tokyo burst a Standard Oil pipeline setting the harbor on fire. It burned for two days devastating Tokyo and Yokohama, killing over a hundred thousand people.
A powerful political group called Black Dragon Society speculated it was caused by Korean immigrants so they beheaded 1500 men, women and children, as a warning.
The next earthquake happened anyway. Country Divided.
Such is life.
We should all remember.
On this day.
5th of November.
Count our blessings every day.
In God’s graces we will stay.
Kevin J Palmer
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England’s overthrow.
But, by God’s providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
John Milton