Polarization is on the rise. A structural decline is happening in America that’s shifting people into the margins based on education, beliefs, or ethnicity.
Denial about the circuitousness of change is leaving casualties at the road side as individualized behaviors are dictated by black and white values and not pragmatism. Advocates animal rights will attack you if you eat meat. One man’s terrorist is another’s revolutionary. We want free speech but not if you are a neo-Nazi.
A growing predetermined bias is creeping into social consciousness. Silicon Valley, boast that the IQ elite get richer while average and below-average intelligence gets progressively more segregated. But quietly all across America ordinary people are reawakening their own American dream based on unique characteristic only a mother could love.
During archaeology expeditions, I put myself in the place of ancients who lived thousands of years ago discovering that common men like me met challenges from the beginning of time. It was average individuals, not the elite, who overcome the greatest odds. Only individuals with a sense of purpose have power.
Americans have more confidence in Tim Cook, in Jeff Bezos than they have in their Senate. The more attention people give to politicians, the bigger their egos become and the less they do. Waiting for empowerment from a third party is not a strategy.
At the risk of sounding Egalitarian, I believe more people can have more financial security, in more diverse ways, simply by acknowledging their uniqueness. I don’t buy the research that correlates of IQ with economic success because it comes from deeper more emotional factors.
You cannot have a dialog about IQ without its twin, Emotional Intelligence which includes spiritual connectiveness as a much broader and more significant factor. If all people are not created equal, they all do have a unique ability to achieve equal rights and opportunities.
That is why I’m writing Reawakening an American Dream. Simply stated, it’s a toolbox that guides readers to their “flying point” by undertaking what comes naturally for them.
Because doing what you love, should be easy, and can reconfigure your brain’s behavioral responses for personal achievement.
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